There are as many locrio de salami (rice and Dominican-style salami) recipes as Dominicans, each includes as many ingredients as the budget allows.


Dominican Salami | Rice|  Cubanelle pepper | Orégano | Garlic | Celery |Carrot | Green olives | Pepper | Auyama (kabocha squash) | Tomato Sauce | Salt | Parsley | Vegetable oil \

Browning salami

Heat half the oil over medium heat.  Add the salami or sausage and cook stirring to brown.heat half the oil over medium heat \

Cooking vegetable

Add cubanela peppers, oregano, garlic, celery, carrot, olives, pepper, and auyama. Cook and stir for a minute \

Stir in tomato sauce followed by 4 cups of water and salt. Decrease the heat to medium and bring to a boil. \

Cooking rice

When the water reaches a rolling boil, add the rice and cook, stirring regularly to prevent it from sticking to the bottom.

When almost all the liquid has evaporated, cover with a tight-fitting lid and cook over very low heat  for 10 minutes.

Remove the lid, add the remaining oil and parsley, stir, and cover again. In 10 more minutes taste the rice, it should be firm but soft inside.


As soon as the rice is ready, remove it from the pot and place it in a serving dish

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