This Helado de Potecitos recipe (Frozen Mango and Strawberry Jars) is a new version of an old childhood tradition, and a great way to get your fruit servings in the summer. And no sugar added!

Why we ❤️ it
Any Dominican of my generation will get pangs of nostalgia when reading the words "Helado de Potecito". It's hard to understand if you didn't grow up in the Dominican Republic of those days. And I think that this is the perfect send off to summer.
Do you know what I'm talking about?
Well, you young’uns, gather 'round Auntie Clara. Let me tell you about the old days of the 70s and 80s... and the naughts and, oh, never mind. You can still buy Helado de Potecitos in many a Dominican barrio.
Ice cream, popsicles, and other summer delights
Helado de Potecito, like other cottage industries in the DR (such as ice, juice, frituras, pasteles en hoja, etc.), was a way for stay-at-home moms to contribute some income to the family coffers, and in some cases support the entire family with it. It was also a great example of re-using that we should return to (the glass jars had to be returned). Fruit ice pops frozen in little baby food jars were available from many a neighborhood doña, made with tropical fruits, and a way for us to spend our 'cheles' back in the day.
We have actually turned many of these popular treats into popsicles, especially the most popular ones, like coconut, batata and coconut, and my own version of the popular "frescavena" of my childhood.
Summer wouldn't have been the same without that nearly-daily treat: inexpensive, tasty, incredibly refreshing. One of the simple pleasures of our childhood that our children won't probably enjoy. Which is why I am so obsessed with making my own paletas and keep finding new ideas to treat my kid.
About this recipe
I have to confess that this isn't as much a recipe as a sort of guide, an invitation for you to introduce your kids (and yourself!) to the treats of our childhood.
This particular one is just fruit frozen mango puree mixed with strawberries, like some sort of super-simple mango and strawberry trifle. It turned out incredibly creamy and needed no added sugar whatsoever. It's really is a no-brainer, and you can get creative by adding other fruits if you wish.
The only problem? We ate them all in one sitting.


Helado de Potecito, Recipe (Frozen Mango & Strawberry Jars)
- 1 cup of diced strawberries
- 1 cup of diced mango
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- Puree fruit: Puree strawberries with a food processor or a stick blender. Set aside. Mix mango and vanilla extract and with a food processor or a stick blender. Set aside.
- Making jars: Pour two tablespoons of strawberry puree in a small glass jar. Cover with mango puree. Continue layering until you reach the top. Freeze until it's mostly hard. Serve immediately.
Tips and Notes
Nutritional information is calculated automatically based on ingredients listed. Please consult your doctor if you need precise nutritional information.