Far too often we don't listen to our bodies and mind and pay the price. Let's be kinder to ourselves.

In today's world, the equality of the sexes is not a matter of dispute. In practice, however, it isn't as simple, more so in our society where men sharing the household chores and participating more actively in child rearing is still an ongoing battle.
Women bear the brunt of household work. If you are a man that does things differently, kudos to you.
One thing we women are aware of is that that we have to eradicate the "Super Woman Syndrome". Unfortunately, it is one of those easier-said-than-done things. Speaking generally, women tend to try and wear too many hats. We want to be good housewives, good mothers, good professionals, good wives. It's all good, this is not what I am against, my disagreement is with our tendency to put ourselves dead last in our list of priorities, we wait for everything to run like well-oiled machinery before we turn our eyes to us and our needs.
During my latest adventures in medical mishaps, I met a lady who sat next to me at the waiting room. During our conversation, we both realized that the path that led us to that uncomfortable seat was nearly identical.
The story is the same: We feel a bit weak, we blame it on laziness. Our body adapts to our demands on it, things get worse and one day that house of cards collapses, and yet we still feel guilty for not being on the field, fighting our daily battles. While we both commiserated over our shared problems, we came to the conclusion that perhaps it would be best if we were a bit selfish, enough that we stop trying to fight all wars at once.
Please find help.
I don't know about that lady's husband, but mine does help a lot around the house and comes from one of the countries that top the world on equality. Don't take this as a rebuke on all husbands, and especially not on mine in particular.
Women generally outlive men, but I suspect it's just a matter of genetics because we can be as bad as men when it comes to taking care of our health issues.
This is a lesson that I learned the hard way. Luckily things were not as bad as it could have been. Please don't make the same mistake. Let's stop that. Let's be kind to ourselves.
Be healthy and safe!