You're sure to enjoy this refreshing, nutritious jugo de remolacha y naranja o limón. Quick and easy to make, this beetroot and orange or lime/lemon juice is a delicious drink that will give you a quick energy boost. Beetroot and orange or lime/lemon juice is a popular combination in the Dominican Republic.

Why we ❤️ it
We Dominicans love juices, after all, this is a tropical paradise with warm weather, and a wealth of vegetables and fruits to choose from when in need of refreshment. Some of our juices have more nutrients and health benefits than others, and a favorite option is this jugo de remolacha (or jugo de betabel) with orange or lime/lemon.
If you are looking for something lighter and more healthful compared to excessively sugary drinks, this beets juice recipe is a popular veggie and fruit combination you will love. Our beet juice recipe combines the earthy beetroot flavor with the sharper taste of either orange or lime/lemon juice, making it a good source of vitamin C and vitamin A as well as minerals.
What's remolacha?
Remolacha is the Spanish name for beetroot in the Dominican Republic and many other Spanish-speaking countries. Another common name for beetroot in Spanish is betabel. Beetroot juice is also known as jugo de vampiro or vampire juice in Mexico, often as a cocktail with the addition of tequila.
Aside from making juice, another common way to serve remolacha is in our traditional Dominican salad and in ensalada rusa. The pink stems and green leaves of the plant are also edible, similar to chard or spinach.
Remolacha benefits
Remolacha is a carbohydrate-rich vegetable (10% carbohydrates). Sugar is extracted from remolacha azucarera (sugar beet), a variety of beetroot that is common where sugarcane does not grow. It also contains 2% protein and is a rich source of folate and fiber, a good source of potassium, and a moderate source (16% DV) of manganese. Some research suggests it will also lower blood pressure and enhance blood flow. It is also said to increase your stamina so a good choice when exercising.
Combining it with either orange or lime juice, makes this a good source of vitamin C.

Beetroot and beetroot juice
The beetroot is blended, the juice extracted and mixed with lime or orange juice, and the preferred sweetener added (if any).
No, this recipe calls for raw beets. You peel the beets, mix them with water and blend them to extract as much of the juice as possible, before sieving with a fine mesh strainer, or cheesecloth. The resulting beetroot juice is then mixed with orange or lime/lemon juice and sweetened to taste with sugar, honey, or your preferred sweetener. You could even add a dash of ginger for extra zing!
Canned beetroot is pre-cooked and often contains salt. The recipe calls for raw ones. Definitely better to go with the real thing.
Top tip
Use a juicer if you have one instead of a blender, and you may need to add less water to the juice.
About this recipe
This recipe has been simplified for modern audiences and conveniences. An older, more labor-intensive method is to grate the beetroot. Dominicans typically don't have a juicer, so that is not a method we commonly use.
And if you enjoy the occasional cool drink with your meal, then do we ever have great ones for you. This traditional Dominican vegetable juice is supposed to have medicinal properties. And while that is an area outside of my expertise, I can attest that it tastes much better than the combination sounds.
Nutritional facts are calculated without sugar. Adjust if you add any.
Check the other Dominican juice recipes that we also recommend you try.


Jugo de Remolacha y Naranja o Limón Recipe (Beet Juice)
For the beet juice
- 6 large beets, washed
- 1 large carrot, scrubbed (optional)
- 16 ounces lime juice, or orange juice
- sugar (white, granulated), or sweetener, to taste
- Ice
- Cut the beetroots and carrots into large cubes.
- Combine carrot and beet 2 quarts [2 liters] of potable water and liquefy in the blender.Sieve and get rid of the solids (optional, this is how is traditionally done).
- Mix in the lime or orange juice. Add sugar or sweetener to taste.
- Chill or add ice and serve.
Tips and Notes
Nutritional information is calculated automatically based on ingredients listed. Please consult your doctor if you need precise nutritional information.
Published Feb 10, 2005, and last revised