Easy and Tasty Eggplant Recipes
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Eggplant names
Eggplant, also called aubergines in some English-speaking countries, is a the fruit of a plant from the same family as tomato and potato. In Spanish, eggplants are almost-universally known as berenjenas.
How to store eggplants
Wipe the skin with a dry paper towel and place the berenjena (dry and uncut) in a plastic bag and store in the refrigerator crisper, where it will keep for up to a week. Make sure not to bruise the skin, as bruises tend to be the first spots to spoil.
Benefits of eggplants
Eggplant is a low-carb, water-rich vegetable that contains small amounts phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and iron as well as vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and folates. It contains a moderate amount of potassium.
How to cook eggplants
In our recipe collection you'll find we've cooked berenjenas in almost all possible ways to prepare them: roasted, baked, grilled, fried, and stewed. Each method will yield different but equally interesting dishes.
Eggplants recipes
Torrejas de Berenjenas (Battered Fried Eggplants)
Berenjena Guisada con Cerdo (Braised Pork and Eggplant)
Canoas de Plátano Maduro (Meatless Ripe Plantain Boats)
Pastelon de Berenjena y Queso (Eggplant & Cheese Casserole)
Lasaña de Berenjenas (Beef and Eggplant Casserole)
Vegan "Meatballs" with Spicy Roasted Eggplant Dip
Christmas Vegan Centerpiece Eggplant Roulade
Shakshuka: Eggs on Tomato Sauce
Eggplant and Eggs Pita Sandwich (Sabich)
Berenjenas Asadas (Roasted Eggplants)
Grilled Eggplant Vegan Sandwich