Jalea de Batata Dulce (Sweet Potato Pudding)
Ponche de Desayuno (Breakfast Eggnog)
Batida de Lechosa (Papaya Milkshake)
Vanilla and Chocolate Maicena Pudding
Chocolate de Maíz (Roasted Corn "Cocoa")
Trigo con Leche (Bulgur Pudding)
Paleta Morir Soñando de Chinola (Milk & Passion Fruit Popsicle)
Chocolate con Leche Dominicano (Creamy Spiced Hot Cocoa)
Harina de Maiz (Dominican Cornmeal Porridge)
Dulce de Leche (Milk Fudge)
Arroz con Leche Paletas (Rice Pudding Popsicles)
"Flan" de Auyama (West Indian Pumpkin Pudding)
Piña Colada (Rum, Pineapple and Coconut Cocktail)
Oats and Strawberry Popsicles
Easy "Tres Leches" Popsicles
Ponche de Café (Eggnog Coffee)
Coconut Rice Pudding Brûlée
Deditos de Novia (Sugar-Coated Guava Biscuits)
Batida de Zapote (Mamey Shake)
Mala Rabia (Guava and Plantain in Syrup)