The Tastiest Legumes and Beans (Habichuelas) Recipes
Beans (red, pinto, white, black, and others), in one form or another, appear almost every day in our traditional lunch. You'll find here our favorite beans recipes, like moro, habichuela guisada, bean stews, and our Lenten favorite: habichuelas con dulce. Don't miss our Essential Habichuelas Guide.
Habichuelas con Dulce (Sweet Cream of Beans)
Habichuelas Guisadas (Dominican Beans)
Moro de Habichuelas (Rice with Beans)
Vegan Lentil Stew
Moro-Locrio (Rice with Black Beans and Pork)
Vegan "Meatballs" with Spicy Roasted Eggplant Dip
Chambre or Chapea (Beans, Rice and Meat Stew)
White Beans (Cannellini) and Chorizo Stew
Habichuelas (Frijoles) Negros (Stewed Black Beans)
Sancocho de Habichuelas or Sopión (Sweet & Spicy Bean Stew)
Vegan Mince for Empanadas and Pastelones
Dominican Hot Dog Fiesta
Habichuelas Verdes Guisadas (Fresh Shell Beans and Pork Sausage Stew)
Fava Beans and Bacon Salad
Peppers Stuffed with Rice and Butter Beans (Moro de Habas)
Habichuelas con Dulce Popsicles