We have combined our decades' worth of trying to feed our children well into these great ideas for better school snacks!

Kids love snacks!
Your child’s lunchbox does not have to include chips, candy, cookies, or sodas – these are full of ‘empty calories’. They have little nutritional quality and have lots of ingredients that are actually harmful to your child’s health.
You don’t have to ban these snacks altogether, but it is best as much as possible to save them for treats and special occasions like birthday parties.
The importance of healthy snacks
Nutrition during the early years of your child’s life is essential for their future health. This is when their brains and other vital organs are developing, so it is important that everything they consume is as beneficial as possible.
It is also a good time to establish healthy habits that could last a lifetime. Make the most of the short period in your child’s life when they do not even need to know that sodas, candies, cookies, or chips exist!
Good nutritional habits will ensure that your child is energetic, alert, and receptive to learning. These habits minimize the chances of a child being overweight in later life, especially when combined with an active lifestyle.
A daily lunchbox should provide children with vitamins, minerals, and energy. Don’t worry - better snacks do not necessarily involve lengthy preparation.
Easy Back to School Snacks and Lunch Ideas
Here are some ideas. Try any combination of one option from each category.
Fruits and Vegetables
- Option A: Apple, banana, passion fruit, etc. Cubes of pineapple, mango, papaya, kiwi, melon, or some grapes.
- Option B: Raisins, apricots, dates, figs, apples, etc.
- Option C: Unsalted almonds, peanuts, etc.
- Option D: Vegetable sticks --e.g. carrot or celery. Cherry tomatoes in a small container.
Drinks (in addition to water)
- Option A: Yogurt (with a spoon), or drinking yogurt.
- Option B: Natural fruit juice (with no added sugar).
- Option C: Milk --natural or flavored (vanilla, chocolate, oatmeal).
- Option D: Fruit smoothies.
Bread, crackers, and sandwiches.
- Option A: Casabe or wholewheat crackers, pita bread, and grissini with cheese.
- Option B: Casabe, or wholewheat crackers, pita bread, and grissini with cubed ham or cold cuts.
- Option C: Casabe, or wholewheat crackers, pita bread, and grissini with hummus, olives, or tuna dip.
- Option D: Wholewheat bread sandwiches, wraps, pita pockets with peanut butter, turkey ham, egg, and cheese, or tuna If your child likes more exotic tastes, try sandwiches with pesto, hummus, or salmon.
Healthier sweet treats
- Option A: Home-baked oatmeal and raisin cookies.
- Option B: Home-baked banana or carrot bread.
- Option C: Yogurt-coated nuts or raisins.
- Option D: Mini-box cereal (a small portion of the non-sugary variety).
Other ideas for Category 3 could include a slice of leftover pastelón, or pasta or rice salad in a small plastic container.
Back to school recipes
- Colorful Rice and Quail Eggs Salad
- Whole Wheat Banana Pancakes
- Oatmeal and Nuts Breakfast Muffins
- Baked Potato and Serrano Croquettes
- Whole Wheat Pizzetta
- Easy Rolls for School Snacks
- Oatmeal and Milk Drink
- Cornmeal and Cheddar Muffins
- Homemade Casabe
- Dominican Rice and Pineapple Juice
- Plantain and Cheese Breakfast Tart
- Peanut and Dry Fruit Bars
Easy and quick school days breakfast
- Vegetables Omelette
- Farina (Cream of Wheat)
- Peanut Hot Drink
- Cornmeal Hot Drink
- Vegetables Egg Scramble
- Cassava Flat Bread Breakfast
- Cornmeal Porridge
At first, you may need to employ trial and error in order to find out which snacks your child prefers. Be prepared for a few uneaten returns, but persist until your child settles into a routine of eating and enjoying snacks that are both healthy and delicious.
Good luck and buen provecho!